4 Sleep Position Is Best for Your Body

4 Sleep Position Is Best for Your Body

Everyone has a favorite sleeping position, starting from the supine, prone, even sideways. However it is important to ascertain where the best sleeping position for your body.

Sleeping position can significantly affect your overall health. If sleep position is less precise, can lead to conditions such as back and neck pain, fatigue, sleep apnea, headaches, heartburn, stomach problems, and even premature wrinkles.

If you want to reduce that risk, the following is the best sleeping position until the worst for your body, as reported from Sleep, Monday (07/11/2016):

1. Sleep on your back

This position is the most good for the body because it makes the head, neck, and spine resting in the neutral position. This means, there is no extra pressure on these areas that can make you sick the next morning.

Supine position is also suitable to counteract the acid reflux, but be sure to use rather a lot of pillows to raise your head higher than the stomach, so that the food does not rise back into the throat.

But for people who have sleep apnea, this position is less suitable, since sleeping on your back can cause the tongue to block the respiratory tract. This position can also make snoring worse.

2. Lying on your side

This sleeping position can also reduce acid reflux, back pain, and neck pain. Lying on your side can also create respiratory kept open, so it is good for those who suffer from sleep apnea. But sleep sideways can make your wrinkles, because the face continues to stick to the pillow.

3. bed in a fetal position

Sleeping position like this fetus (body sideways to the left, body bent, and knees bent) very well practiced if you are pregnant. Because it can improve blood circulation in the body and the fetus in the abdomen, as well as prevent the uterus presses the liver.

However, sleeping with this position can make breathing becomes restricted and can cause pain in the joints and back when the next day. To reduce these risks, spread your body as much as possible, and you can also put a pillow between your knees.

4. Stomach

This position is the worst, because it can cause back and neck pain. Plus, your stomach muscles and joints also presses that can cause numbness, tingling, and aches. So it is better to avoid sleeping with this position.


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